Do VAs and other Federal Accounts get the best pricing my company offers?

No that is an old fallacy that is not true today. With the correct contract and appropriate tracking customer the Federal Government can be your most profitable sales channel.

What is the best contract for my products?

That depends on the product and how you choose to distribute your product to the Federal Market. GOVHUB can find the appropriate contract for your product.

How long does it take to get a VA Contract?

It varies by the contract we choose and if you want your own contract. Perhaps piggybacking on an agreement like a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Agreement may be better. GOVHUB Can help you with this decision.

Our best sales rep says the VA wants our product plus it is on contract but it has been 6 months and they still have not ordered the product yet. Why?

This is not uncommon. The sales rep probably does not fully understand the VA Clinical Product Review Committee (CPRC) process and the correct stakeholders to engage with. GOVHUB can train your team on how the CPRC process works and what stakeholders must be involved. Just because the end user wants your product and it is on contract does not equate to a sale. Even the most knowledgeable sales reps need government sales assistance. GOVHUB provides training.

Is it possible for my company to sell into the Federal Market like VAs and Military Medical Centers without a contract?

Yes not all products need to be on a government contract. There may be advantages not to be on any contract. GOVHUB can help you make that decision.

Our company manufactures Implants that stay in the body. Does the VA have a specific contract vehicle for implants?

Yes there can be significant advantages to being on the VA National Implant Contract. GOVHUB’s has the ability to get you on that contract quickly.